Desteni Ard
Studio Owner, Pilates Instructor, Personal Trainer, Nutrition Coach

Desteni exudes a love for Pilates, Fitness and Health and loves nothing more than helping others become healthy and strong. Since obtaining her certifications in pilates, personal training and nutrition. Desteni has spent years teaching full-time at a local gym crafting her unique spin on Pilates and training. 

Desteni developed a style and method of teaching Pilates that incorporates cardio with lengthening, strengthening and sculpting movements that deliver amazing results, which has attracted an impressive roster of clientele. 

DESTENI  IS CONSTANTLY CHALLENGING THE WAY FITNESS IS TAUGHT & CONSUMED.  She is certified in Pilates, Personal Training , Nutrition Coach and she is the creator of XBF, a cardio, step, strength building workout.

Linda Stevens
Pilates Instructor, Barre Instructor, Personal Trainer, Yoga Teacher, Nutrition Coach, Senior Fitness Specialist

Linda relocated to Onalaska, Texas from Spring, Texas in 2018.  After leaving the Corporate world in 2011, Linda  has been pursuing her passion for all things movement and overall total body wellness.

 She was certified in Yoga in 2015  (after student teaching for many years) followed by her 500 HR Yoga Certification, Pilates, Personal Training, Nutrition Coach, Senior Exercise Specialist and Barre.  From 2015 - 2021 she was a licensed massage therapist giving her an excellent understanding of anatomy.

Her hope is that each person comes to class ready to be challenged and willing to push through any of their mental obstacles and physical limits. Expect to leave every class loving YOURSELF a little bit more. Because loving and accepting yourself is where true transformation begins.

Laura Baumgartner, Barre Instructor

Laura lives in Onalaska and took Pilates Reformer classes with both Linda and Desteni in another location. When we opened the Studio, she came with us and discovered Barre and fell in love with it. She believes that Barre is the perfect cross-training tool for her work on the Pilates Reformer.

Even though she still works in Corporate America (she’s fortunate enough to work out of her home) she decided she wanted to bring her love for Barre to her friends in the area and enrolled in our Barre Teacher Training Program, received her Instructor Certification and joined our team. She teaches 2 mornings a week.

Melissa Graham, RN

Melissa is a local RN with 7 years of experience. She has dedicated her nursing career to emergency services but her passion as a nurse if preventative health and wellness which is how Revival Drip Bar came to be. Her goal is to bring health and wellness options to our community and surrounding area to enable you to better care for yourself.

At Core Studio, The Pilates Barre, we are building a dynamic team of fitness professionals to help expand your fitness and wellness goals.